
Posts Tagged ‘Darkness’

We are rising in the glory of God, because His light is rising within us.  We acknowledge that which is infinitely greater than ourselves.  We see the hidden presence of God. Our culture finds this moment not only difficult but puzzling. Difficult, because it is a culture of independent individualism.  Puzzling, because they see nothing different.  Two people can look at it and not see the same picture.  To some, it is the familiar world of striving and getting and spending and worrying.  To others it is the world as before but with the world-changing addition of the presence of God.   God shines through the present moment, with the quiet reassurance that we are known and loved.

Why do some see and others not? Because, we are free to believe or not – they love this statement; it appears to be the only truth that matters to squelch all truth. It is the cynical nature of the culture surrounding us, which mocks faith even as it secretly longs for its security.

Wise Men

The Bright Morning Star scatters all darkness:

† The dangers and pain of this present world terrorizes our heart. It won’t last forever. Our Morning Star is Rising.

† Satan schemes to trip us into traps of more sin, tormenting us with shame and guilt. But his temptations won’t last forever. Our Morning Star is Rising.

† Dark thoughts and deeds haunt our consciences with guilt, but the shadows of sin won’t last forever. Our Morning Star is Rising.

Yes.  It was the darkness which conspired to destroy the light of the world…we were/are apart of that darkness through sin and disobedience [Luke 22:53; John 3:19].  We don’t like to think of that, but it is true.  Through our words and actions and the dark visqueen over our hearts – We have.  But the Light came; He healed, He transformed, He lifted and broke the chains of darkness to live in us forever – if we want him to. Luke 1:78-79

The Bright Morning Star shines into an endless day of peace, reigning resplendent in glory and power.  Just as we are his, enfolded in His light and love, so He will be ours forever.  The Magi’s saw the star from afar and looked to heaven, “they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy” [Matt 2:10].

† No matter what our challenges, they cannot keep the Star, the Light from shining.

† No matter how deep the guilt of our sin, it cannot extinguish the light of Christ’s compassion and forgiveness.

† No matter how dark the future seems, our Morning Star has Risen; He Rises within us. It is His gift – Live in the Joy!

Revelation 2:26,28

God who will always be infinitely greater than ourselves – yet who reaches out to us in love, and draws us into his life as he comes to us in Christ.

† Christ Within Us †

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